Friday, October 06, 2006

29 Weeks

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Well here we are at 29 weeks, only 11 to go!!

Let me begin by saying that today is an ugly day, inside and out. It's currently 2:15pm and 49 degrees outside, there is a bit of a drizzle and everything is soaking wet. This of course would have to be the day that I scheduled my three-hour glucose resistance test for my gestational diabetes, lovely. I'm sure you are all familiar with the notion that when it's cruddy outside you just want to stay curled up in bed all day, well today was that day for me and not only couldn't I stay in bed I had to have this stupid test done at 7am, when it was pouring outside and dark.

So you can see my day started off with a bang, oh and did I mention that the power went off at some point last night so lucky me that I woke up at 6am or I would have missed my appointment. I guess this is one time when I can thank my bladder for not allowing me more than two hours of sleep at a time! Anyhow I got to Apple Hill Medical Center at 7am and they immediately ushered me back to the galley of blood letting to take a vial of my blood, have me drink this even nastier, and sugary, version of orange soda for the test and they put me in a separate waiting area with a 13" TV and some magazines.

At first I didn't think I was going to have any issues with the gross drink but after sitting for 15 minutes Katie started going bonkers and banging on my lungs and I got all sorts of queasy. I knew right away that having to fast for 10 hours previous to the test was going to be an issue but I never really considered the ramifications to adding a high concentration of sugar to the mix, very bad things people, very bad. Thank goodness I was in a waiting room by myself, with a closed door, because I started burping like a trucker and for all I cared if someone would have come in I don't know if I could have stopped.

At 8 am the nurse came in my room to usher me back to the hall of blood letting to take another vial of blood from me, of course with my awesome luck she couldn't find a good vein in my right arm so back to the same spot on lefty we went. That same spot ended up getting a quadruple hit because apparently I only came with one good vein. After that I went back to the waiting room to wait another hour for the test to be readministered at 9am and finally at 10am.

The waiting wasn't as bad as I thought but the not eating was horrible, especially with that horrible sugary mixture floating around in my stomach. Me being a thinking lady, I had two pieces of bread stashed away in my purse so I could chow as soon as my nurse would allow me. (She complimented me on my thinking ahead, nice eh?) I came home around 10am, ate a baked potato and fell asleep curled up in bed with my cat. What a morning.

In conclusion, after just speaking with the nurse at my doctors office it has now been determined that I do NOT have gestational diabetes. (and the crowd goes wild) She didn't give me the exact results but my doctor did say to me that sometimes women test high after one hour which would indicate diabetes but during the three hour test their levels normalize after one hour, to be diabetic it should stay above 140 for two of the tests. I guess I fell into that catagory.

Score one for me, finally!!!

Ok everybody, have a great weekend, and don't forget Baby Shower next weekend; I can't wait to see everybody. And, YAY, I can eat my own cake!!! (I was a bit worried about that.)

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