Sunday, August 19, 2007

Party Day!!!

So today was a big party day, first up was Tilly's baby shower. Tilly, the one in the black shirt next to me, is expecting twin girls in November. Her son Ben is the little guy on the construction equiptment a few posts ago, cute little blonde dude. We had a great time socializing with everybody, including former swim team mates from Dallastown; GO WILDCATS!! Tilly got a lot of good gifts and thank goodness because two babies at once calls for a ton of stuff. Katie started getting cranky around cake time so we grabbed a quick bite and took off for home and a quick nap.....
(Startled Katie just waking up from a tiny nap at Tilly's shower!)

Up next was Makenzie's 2nd birthday party. (I forgot my camera in the car.) Once again we were fed well and got to watch a very excited little girl tear through a boat load of cool gifts. Makenzie was having a blast when we left, tired baby again, and unfortunatly we had to miss the all important "Happy Birthday" singing, but trust me when I say that noone missed my lovely voice.

I hope everyone has a great week................

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