Monday, August 13, 2007

Crying It Out....

Let me begin by saying that the "crying it out" method seems to be working, but it is in no way for the weak at heart.

Saturday night Katie went to bed around 6:45pm, she would have gone to bed earlier but she threw up as Nat was giving her a bottle. Lovely. She dumped all of her cereal, yogurt and bottle on herself and Nat and was so tired that she barely could eat any more; she basically fell asleep with a bottle in her mouth. What a great way to start an evening.

At 10:30pm Katie woke up and promptly began screaming her face off, it was horrible. Nat took a blanket and moved into the upstairs playroom which is next to Katie bedroom so we could turn the monitor off and maybe I could sleep. Not even close. She was belting it out and I was getting nauseous, I had to turn on the TV to drown her out and that didn't work so well. After about 30 minutes Nat came back into our bedroom and I could tell he didn't enjoy this anymore than I did, we both hated listening to her scream and decided that the next morning we were going out and buying a video monitor so we could at least see her and know that she was ok.

By about 11:15am she was calming down and so were we, although neither of us could sleep. We just kind of sat there talking about how many naps and Aleve we would have to take in order to survive the next day. By about midnight I think everybody in the house was back to sleep but Katie was back awake around 4:30am and I didn't have the heart to listen to her freak out again so I went in and got her. Sunday was a long day, Nat slept in a bit (until about 6:30am) and I did get a nap. (Don't ask how many Aleve we took?!)

Sunday afternoon we went to Target and bought a video monitor and Nat came home and set it up immediatly.

Last night Katie went to bed, with a full stomach, and slept until exactly 2am. She was up for about 45 minutes, but insted of screaming she fidgeted around her crib. She turned her mobile on and I thought she fell asleep to the music, but when I went over to her room to put a blanket on her she was making noises again so I quickly aborted my mission. Watching her was funny, I kept calling it Katie TV; she would crawl from one end of the crib to the other, stand up and bounce around and then colapse with her thumb in her mouth. By 3am she was back to sleep with little fanfare, I think Nat even fell asleep before she did.

At 5:05am she woke up again and although I was happy it wasn't 4:30am I was still really tired from the past two nights of craziness. I went over to her room to get her up and as I turned the doornob I noticed that it was quiet so I scurried back to our bedroom and turned on the video monitor and lo and behold she was back to sleep. YAY! I crawled back in bed and Katie slept until 6:15am and man did I need that.

It's now 7:30am and we are watching Playhouse Disney and she is playing with a wooden spoon and kicking the recliner. What a nut. Well that is the "crying it out" report from here. We are moving in a positive direction, I think, but it is not easy or fun. I really hope she starts sleeping through the night very soon, for all three of our sakes, but in the meantime she is getting faster, stronger and bigger every day and I LOVE her. Ok she's trying to climb her jumperoo, gotta go.....

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