Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Today is Nat's official birthday, his 32nd to be exact! Katie and I made a birthday card for him and I was trying, in vain, to get her to hold it while I took a picture but this is what we ended up with...Not to shabby!!


It's about 96 degrees outside so we are home and in the house playing today. Right now Katie is breaking in her new crocs by running in circles from the kitchen to the dining room into the living room down the hallway and then doing it over and over again. I can't wait for the temperature to break!!!

In fertility news Nat and I have called this cycle quits. I wasn't feeling to good after the retrieval and the more and more we discussed it the more clear it became that now wasn't the time to continue with this round. We were at a good stopping point, the eggs that were fertilized could be frozen and we could continue when we felt that the timing was right.

That was two days ago.

Today we got a call from the Fertility Center saying that at this point we only have 1 remaining embryo and it is of poor quality. Most likely we will have nothing to freeze. Ugh. I know that I shouldn't be that upset since we weren't going to continue with the cycle anyway, but now I fell like my eggs have all gone bad and we might be done forever. My doctor said that with age my egg quality will continue to decrease and there might be be a chance that Nat's boys and my girls don't match correctly, the embryos just stop thriving after a certain point.

So now the new reality is that Katie might be our one and only child. I thought I would have gotten more upset about it by now but somehow I haven't, this all could change, but for now I'm happy with my little family of three!!

I just wanted to post this picture of Katie's hair because people stop us all of the time to comment on Kate's curls. Her hair is thick, really thick and as you can see it's getting curlier by the day and longer. (I still haven't cut it!!!)
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