Thursday, February 05, 2009

Katie's Alphabet!

For Katie's 2nd birthday her Great-Grandma Lucia got her some A-B-C Flashcards and although she has been steadily learning her letters (Thanks to the Phonics Magnets from Grandma and Grandpa Burt) I wasn't sure she really KNEW her alphabet. Well to my surprise I got out the flashcards today and she ran through the whole alphabet with only two mistakes, so I decided to video tape her doing them again. She still gets the "T" confused with a "P" and the "A" with the "R", but when re prompted she usually gets them right. 

Another funny thing about the alphabet is that she cannot get the darn alphabet song down at all. We sing it together and Katie just skips every third or fourth letter and looks at me like I'm singing the song wrong.  It's a work in progress!!! Enjoy the alphabet, Katie style!!

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