Monday, June 15, 2009

Dutch Wonderland with Lauren!

Katie and Lauren on their first ride of the day.
They had so much fun, it shows in every picture, that's why there are so darn many of them!
Me and Katie driving a car, well Katie was supposed to drive, but it was a little hard.
Katie and Lauren driving 4x4's!
The girls riding airplanes.
I kept cutting their heads off..........sorry.
Katie on the bumble bee ride, Lauren wasn't too excited about this one.
Katie concentrating really hard on moving the shovel.
Me and Katie on the rollercoaster, yep, she loved it so much we went twice!
On the rollercoaster, she even knows to scream really loudly for the ups and downs.
Those are my sunglasses that blew off on the coaster, the lady operating the ride stopped and ran down and grabbed them.
Amy and Lauren waiting for the sky ride.
Me and Katie high up in the sky.
Lauren riding a pony, Katie wanted nothing to do with it!
Going down the slide at the water park, we didn't have time for the water park last time.
The girls playing with one of the water spouts.
Katie loved the water spouts!!
Doing the limbo with Duke the Dutch Wonderland mascot.
Doing the "Twist" during the dance party at the water park.
The girls taking a little gelati break.
Bennett and Nini taking a little splish splash break.
Katie digging her blue ice cream.
Lauren is such a good big sister, she couldn't wait to give Bennett a try.
Nini and Lauren on the train, our final ride of the day.
Big cheese.
Me and Katie on the choo-choo.
Katie waving to everyone as the train went by............she loved her fun day!!

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