Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rainy Day Fun.

It is a cold and rainy day here in York, I think at 2pm it's about 65 degree's outside. Amy called this morning and wanted to know if we wanted to go to Tumble Town at the mall, since it obviously wasn't a pool day! Well of course we are always up for Tumble Town so I called Heather and Jenny and Heather called Shawn and just like that we had an awesome little play date! Here are some pictures of our cute kids, be aware, they are really, really cute!!
Shawn's daughter Olivia tossing the ball around.
Jenny's daughter Lydia trying to decide what to do with that ball?!
Lauren, Michael, Katie and Lydia in the ball pit.
Crazy and chaotic!!
Baby Julia!!!!!!! So sweet........I told you they were cute!
Olivia peeking out of the ball pit.
Lydia bouncing on the trampoline.
Big guy Chase playing ball with me.
Katie coming down the slide, she and Michael were the only two that would give the slide a try. It was also Katie's first time in 5 visits that she would give it a go! YAY!
Chase giving Bennett some kisses, he's such a gentle little boy.
Baby Bennett in the Excersaucer.
Katie riding a foam animal of some sort, I was calling it a horse and I don't think that was right. It looks like a giant purple PEEP!!
Happy Katie!!!
Getting big air on the trampoline.
Katie and Lauren taking a ball pit break.
My only picture of Lauren, these kids had so much fun I couldn't keep up with them!

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