This picture has nothing to do with the rest of the blog, but I took it last night when Liz and Tripp came over for dinner and I had to post it...............isn't he adorable!
Okay, on with the rest of the post. Today was Nat's annual company picnic and although we thought it might rain, it turned out to be a nice, cool day. The only hitch in our day was finding out upon arrival to the picnic that Nat had forgotten to bring shoes along for Katie. Now I know what you're thinking, why place the blame on Nat? Well when we left the house Nat had Katie in one hand and her shoes in the other, I had my camera, her juice, diapers, snacks, books and her blanket; basically I had enough in my hands and assumed that the shoes made it (while in his hands) from the hallway to the car. I was wrong!
Long, funny, story short we had to make a u-turn upon arriving at the picnic and head for the nearest Target and buy some new sneakers, then head back to the picnic. Let's just say it made for a funny story all afternoon!
Katie getting her face painted.
Her beautiful rainbow that she picked out.
Coming down the slide.
While the adults and big kids played a balloon toss game Katie and her new friend Rachel decided to try too!
Yep, that's Katie swinging from the monkey bars! She saw the bigger kids do it and just went for it, this kid has no fear!
Being cute!
Getting ready to go home, she looks mad, but really she was just tired. She fell asleep about five minutes after this picture was taken. A fun day for the whole family! YAY!