Sunday, September 06, 2009

DiAngelo Family Reunion

It's that time of year, time for the DiAngelo family reunion! This year our family was missing a few people, Christy and Jarrett for example are in Italy, and about 10 other people that are usually here weren't, so that was a bummer. On the other hand, the food was good and Katie got to play with some of her cousins and her grandparents, so the day was an overall success!
Katie, looking cute!
Katie and her cousins Ashlyn and Rosalyn (Rosie) watching a caterpillar crawl by, Katie is a month older than Rosie so it was fun watching them play together!
Coming down the slide.
Playing with Grandpa on a crooked see-saw.
Standing on the see-saw and no that wasn't safe!
Grandpa helping Katie walk across a set of wobbly steps. Fun, fun!

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