Thursday, December 03, 2009

Mid-Week Shuffle

It has been cold and rainy for the past few days so unfortunately we haven't been doing anything fun or exciting, unless you count watching the new Tinkerbell movie exciting! But today the rain stopped and until about 15 minutes ago it was actually sunny, so we went outside with Maddux and went for a little walk around the neighborhood. (Stopping first to pause for a picture in front of the Christmas tree on the front porch.)
Another picture of Katie in front of the tree.
Maddux sprinting to catch up to Tia....I mean Katie.
Katie likes to lay on the grass and take little breaks, we come home from "walks" with leaves and grass all over us!
Maddux walking Cooper, aka Tooie.
Holding hands while crossing the street, yes Katie was upset, Maddux wasn't listening to her (bossy) and she was starting to try and shove him (bully). It's a repeating theme, she's a pusher! Ugh.
Maddux doesn't like it when Katie is sad so he was giving her a hug.
It worked!
So our beautiful children decided they were going to have a spitting contest down the drain....gross!
Here are some random pictures of Katie from the past few days. Her new favorite thing to do is pose for pictures..........can you tell?
Eating chicken "nummies" and posing.
Her favorite new pose, I keep telling her to just place her hands on either side of her face, but she insists on scrunching her skin right by her eyes....still cute, but it makes me laugh!
My favorite pose.
Profile, very cute!

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