Thursday, August 17, 2006

Just shy of 22 weeks!

Ok, it's offical, I'm enormous! Laugh all you want, I'll wait.......


Well, in the news here is that Nat was able to feel Katie kick for the first time on Monday night. It was pretty cool, she would move around and start kicking and then the second I would place Nat's hand on my stomach she would stop. We played that game two to three times when Nat leaned over my stomach and started talking to her and off she went. I guess she recognized her daddy's voice becuase she gave him a few nice solid shots.

I'm just starting to feel her with consistancy and on a schedule and as we found out yesterday, bananas make her go crazy! She is still really low and I'm pretty sure she is on or near my bladder because I'm heading for the bathroom more and more every day and night. It's all really fun and exciting and for the most part I'm enjoying all of the changes, although my chest can stop itself from it's rapid expansion at any time. It's getting a little out of hand.

Ok well I have my next doctors appointment on monday so hopefully you will all hear from me at some point next week. To all my teacher friends and family, welcome back to the school year and good luck! Posted by Picasa

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