Saturday, August 05, 2006

Half Way There! (20 Weeks)

Posted by Picasa Well first let me explain the noticable change in the background...... I'm bored and it's girly; Enought said. (Everything is pink right now, it's a sickness, I can't help it!)

Secondly, look at that big bump I'm wearing, can you believe I'm only half of the way there?! The funny thing about the belly is that I'm still about 15 pounds less than I was when I got pregnant and I'm only up about 7.5 from my lowest point. What I'm trying to say is that I'm going to be very rolly-polly in a few months, like Violet in "Willie Wonka" when she ate that flavored gum and had to be juiced. Oh yeah, I pulled that out of the memory vault, but I think it's an accurate compairison, or it will be.

Other than my rapidly expanding mid-section there isn't much to report. I'm starting to branch out with my eating, I had a slice of pizza last night for dinner and another slice today, yummy. I also had a miniature candy bar today, first chocolate tasting in over 4 months, is was so good I don't really care if it makes me sick! It beats the crap out of Triscuits that's for sure. I'm still slamming orange sodas for some reason and toast with cream cheese is my meal of choice, although I'm hoping that will fade as I can eat real human meals again.

Well Katie and I are going to try and take a quick nap while Nat and his dad are out at the fairgrounds checking out the plans for York's new minor league baseball team, the York Revolution. (We bought season tickets.) Oh by the way Katie's middle name is still being discussed, I thought we had it down to two options and now Nat isn't sure so the field is wide open again. Ugh. Have a good weekend, enjoy the break in the heat!

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