Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Marty Party

Saturday night was my first night out with friends in almost 6 months and boy did they all tire me out! As you can tell by the pictures we were involved in a high stakes beer pong tournament that ended with Heather and Nat dancing, oh yeah it was that kind of fun. I actually didn't play in the tournament itself, I'm no good without beer, but luckily after the tourney ended they let Nat and I play against Deb and Rob. We didn't win, by a large margin.

The tournament was held at the 4th annual Marty Party, a charity event to raise money for Pennsylvania kids through "The Second Mile" foundation. "The Second Mile" was founded by Jerry Sandusky, former defensive coach for Penn State, and our good friend Mark DeRose's father Marty was a huge contributor and cheerleader for both charitable organizations and the Nittany Lions. In honor of Mr. DeRose spirit for giving and for fun, the Marty Party is held every year, Mark's band Ernest Good Life plays the tunes, and we all eat, drink, and play pong. Most of all we have a blast and all of the money we spend goes to help a group of kids have a better shot in life, how cool is that!

As for the results of the tournament, well, let's just say that round one knocked out 2/3rds of our group. Deb and Rob were the only bright spot, making it to the semi-finals before succumbing to an old guy with a band-aid on his nose. In the 2nd tournament Nat and Michelle actually went up against Heather and Brandon in round 1; Brandon and Heather took that game to advance to round 2 but that was about the time that Heather kept wandering away to talk to people, and dance, so Michelle had to step in and finish out the game. That was where the hopes and dreams of Pong Championship died, no big wins in our group.

In the end it was fun, so much fun that I woke up at 2am with leg cramps and a head ache. Nat and I didn't win anything, beer pong or raffles, but we got to spend much needed time just enjoying the day with friends. Sure there was talk about the baby but there was also laughter, jokes, trash talking and good ol' fashion mockery and that is the stuff you can't just muster up on your own. Thanks for the good times, oh and Deb next year it's sooooooo on, you better get your tickets now!!!

In case anyone was interested in more information about The Second Mile here is their website:

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