Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Moving Right Along!

We had our monthly visit with our OB/GYN Monday evening and as it stands we are looking good and moving forward. Katie's heart was nice and strong at 150 bpm and I have offically gained 14 lbs. from my lowest point and the doctor told me I can resume a regular diet now, no overeating to catch up! He also measured my belly, actually my uterus, and the measurement in centimeters should match-up with your development in weeks and I was dead on at 22 cm. So I guess I am average for once, who thought that would ever make me happy!

I will say this about being pregnant, I look in the mirror at myself and wonder how in the world my body is ever going to recover! I am enormous and to top it all off I still weigh about 14 lbs. less than I did when I first got myself into this position. My mind can't seem to wrap itself around the fact that I'm going to keep getting bigger and that I still have a LOT of growing to do; how does my skin keep stretching like this? I just keep reminding myself what my friend Michelle said after she had her daughter Makenzie, "It's not like we were strutting around in bikini's before we got pregnant!". True.

I am enjoying this part of being pregnant, this mostly calm 2nd trimester. Gone are the IV's, the constant trips to the doctors office, the constant trips to the bathroom to get sick, the not eating and not being able to leave the house. I feel almost human now, part of the world again; I can even drive my car!! There are still some food issues and this stupid heartburn that is a constant 24 hour friend, but overall I would say that compared to about 8 weeks ago I am sitting pretty.

Well that's it from me for now, I have to go eat something..............
Talk to you all soon!!!

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