Thursday, November 15, 2007

Giving Kate Chocolate!!

Here is Katie's first chocolate chip cookie, she loved it and ate the whole thing. We had so much left over from the birthday party that I thought I would give her a taste, I didn't realize that she'd like it this much. (Notice I didn't cut it up or anything, she took it right out of my hand whole!!)

Here is what Katie looks like after chocolate milk. She wasn't drinking her milk so people suggested that I put a little Nesquik powder in the milk; yep that worked!! Again take note that she is stripped down and has the thickest bib on her that we own, she now sucks the milk out of her sippy so hard that she can't swollow it all and it goes EVERYWHERE!! She's a nut, but she loves milk now and cries when her sippy is empty so I guess it's worth the mess. Kids are the best!!!
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