Monday, April 07, 2008


Hi from Crazyville!!

Katie's sick and not sleeping so it has been an exciting past few days for our entire household. At first I was convinced that she had allergies, why not since Nat get's shots every three weeks to keep his head from exploding. The doctor agreed with me and put her on Zyrtec, well the Zyrtec dried out her nose a little bit but made her crazy too, throwing stuff at my face and not sleeping crazy. So Friday Nat and I decided to take her off of the Zyrtec and see how bad she really was; now she's sick. She has snot running down her face constantly, she can't sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time(coughing wakes her up), and from the "no sleep" policy she now has black circles under her eyes. Oh and the kicker, the doctor said to try Benadryl to help her sleep and she took it once and now refuses to take it again, she spits it right out! I even put some in water for her and she took one sip and threw her sippy cup on the floor and walked away.

She's too smart for me at 17 months!

Besides the homefront drama, my HSG went well. I was in and out within an hour and I have had no cramping or pain at all.

Ok well the 30 minute nap is over so I better go rescue my pathetic crying baby.......oh and if you were watching my monitor you would call it pathetic too!!

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