Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Tumble Town

Today Michelle and I took the girls to Tumble Town at the Galleria Mall. The secret to getting good alone play time is to show up right at 10am when the mall opens and stay until the big kids get there, they tend to steal toys!! We had a great time and the four of us were basically alone until the last ten minutes. Katie enjoyed the ball pit more than anything, and she kept running back to it when I would try and redirect her to a new toy. We did bounce on the trampoline and climb the play structure and slide down the slide, and she liked it all, they just didn't hold a candle to the ball pit.

In other news Katie decided to say her first two-word sentence today and it's a good one. If you have spent any time with Katie you know that she is fascinated by her belly button. It's an outie so it's always just popped out there waiting for her to play with, and today she lifted up her shirt and grabbed her button and said "Hi belly". She's done it now three times in the past hour. The girl loves that belly!

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