Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Well yesterday we ended up at the doctors office, her temperature hit 101 and she just couldn't get to sleep (too much coughing). The doctor said that Katie has a cold that will just have to pass on its own so unfortunately we aren't doing too much better. She is able to take Benadryl which has helped her calm down and sleep for about 45 minutes, yep that's the longest nap we get! These two pictures I took today while Katie and I just sat in the recliner and watched cartoons. She's been extra snugly the past two days, which while cute, cuts down on the amount of cleaning and running around that I can do. I'm hoping that in the next few days life will begin to return to normal, I just want her to be able to sleep without coughing herself awake..... we all need some sleep here!

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