Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Family Gathering

Ok so yesterday I had to apologize for the mountian of pictures and today I upped the ante and have 15 pictures??! Crazy, I know! We went to visit with The Burt's today, Nat's Grandfather and his wife, and they have such beautiful gardens that I just kept snapping away. (Seriously, I bet every picture has at least one flower!!) I hope everybody had a great weekend, we were busy but had a lot of fun!

Katie with her Grandma and Pop on the swing.

Walking thru the garden.
Grandpop taking Katie for a ride around the yard.

This is just one side of the garden, you can see the tables in the middle, isn't it gorgeous?!!
Aunt Christy and Katie

Katie listening to Aunt Christy tell her stories.
Katie pushing the wagon, she did this a lot and would get so ticked off when she couldn't get the wagon up on the veranda.
These next few pictures are from the upper gardens behind Grandpa, or Great-Grandpa, Burt's house.

Grandpop helping Katie ring the wind chimes, she loved hearing them ring and I even spotted some dancing.

Nat and Katie on the swing.
A family portrait under the flowers.

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