Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Doug....

Today we spent the afternoon down at my sister Liz's in-laws house for a combined surprise 30th birthday party for her husband Doug, Katie's uncle, and a surprise going away party for his brother Drew. The funny thing about the party is that each one of the boys knew about the party, but thought it was for the other one, so it ended up being a surprise for both. It really was a funny is that!!
Mom and Katie doing a "pat-pat" for rocket (Little Einsteins).
Mom blowing bubbles for Katie, Beamer just ended up getting them all though.
"Blastoff", also from Little Einsteins.....she really likes them a whole lot!
Doug on the left and Drew, in the brown shirt, being surprised at their party.
Katie walking up the front walk at the Barton farm, she loved walking up the stairs.

Clapping and dancing.
Her dancing is mostly hopping.
Nat and Katie, just being happy.
Mom, Katie clapping, she had us all clapping at one point.....we don't know why?!
Nat blowing bubbles for the kids.

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