Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lots of Pictures!!!

We had a very eventful Saturday so I'm going to have to apologize for the avalanche of pictures. The first few pictures are from our art fest on the patio and the last bunch are from Makenzie's 3rd birthday party. I'll explain as we go along!!

Our drawings.

Katie getting some coloring in, she likes when I draw a picture and she colors over it?

She LOVES watermellon!!
Haley and Katie in their party ware, Haley is 4 days younger than Katie.
The girls sitting down to eat dinner, with their wands of course.
Katie had a hot dog but I guess my cheeseburger was much more appetizing.

Makenzie, Katie and Haley playing.
Opening gifts was a group effort!
The birthday girl.
Blowing out her candle.
Yummy cupcake, of course you know she ate every last crumb!

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