Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday Morning Fun!!

This morning the local library in Red Lion had a "Daddy and Doughnuts" story time and as you can see there was a special appearance by Downtown, the mascot for the York Revolution baseball team. Of course all of the Mom's went along and as soon as Katie saw Downtown come in to the library she wanted Mommy to hold her, so that's the reason that I'm in the picture and not Nat. It was a lot of fun and all of the kids really seemed to enjoy themselves and nothing brings in the crowds like the promise of free doughnuts!!
Scott, Maddux and Downtown.
Brandon and Chase with Downtown.
Katie in a little reading nook.
Maddux peeking out of the reading loft.
Nat and Katie enjoying their doughnuts........isn't she so lady like?!
Nat and Katie sharing "Rainbow Fish", a book that Katie LOVES.

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