Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend Roundup

I have not posted any new pictures for a whole week!! It's been a bit nutty around here so I thought I would just post a few pictures from the past week, just so you can see how crazy it has been. Between bad weather, my next door neighbor falling while home alone (6 hour hospital visit), and still adjusting to daylight savings time we haven't been the same get up and go people. Oh well, hopefully that will change this week!!!
Katie's shy side.
Grammy got a cash register for Katie, it's really cute but all Katie really wanted to do was play with the money............she is my daughter so I get the fascination!!

The awesome outfit she was sporting Sunday before naptime, she had Christmas PJ's on, then through a misplacement of her diaper we had to change pants and finally she decided to throw on my shoes. Looking good, huh?
Bouncing after her shower, Nat had put cartoons on and as you can see he was very into them!
Katie in her favorite Phineas and Ferb shirt, my Dad was trying to catch her as she ran by.
Yep, that's my daughter jumping on her Pop's stomach! At least he's in shape?!

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