Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Cooper!

On Tuesday we went to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate Katie's classmate Cooper's birthday, his 3rd. The kids all love Chuck E Cheese, it's so funny to watch them all scatter in different directions when they walk in. Above is a picture of Katie and Cooper dancing to the little show in the eating area.
Katie on a ride with Chuck E Cheese.
Another ride.
Katie attempting to play skee-ball, as you might be able to tell from the picture she just throws the ball as hard as she can up the ramp, most of the time it doesn't make it!
Cooper's birthday cake that his mother made, we were all overly impressed!
All of the kids waiting for their pizza, poor little Mya is somewhere behind Cooper's head (you can see her little white bow).
The birthday boy eating a piece of his birthday cake while watching a birthday message from Chuck E Cheeze.
Katie giving Chuck a squeeze.
One happy kid!

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