Sunday, November 06, 2005

Is it really November?

How about this weather??

If you aren't a Yorker then let me tell you, 75 degree days in November are not the norm! Yesterday, while watching the Penn State game, the commentators were talking about how funny it was to be in Happy Valley in November and there not being any snow or freezing weather. It's crazy, but we are loving it!

Since it will most likely be the last bit of warm weather mother nature will throw our way Nat and I decided to take a hike, literally. About 1 mile from our house is Lake Redman, a lake, duh, and park with trails and tons of gorgeous trees that are just reaching their peak fall coloring. It was great, some sun, fun and exercise.

On the medical front, I had another ultrasound on Friday and everything is looking good. I let Dr. Filer know that I was still having numbness in my leg from the progesterone shots, they ended over a month ago, and he said that wasn't normal and set me up with a neurology appointment. Who knows what will come of that appointment; just more weird stories to add to my already long list. Speaking of weird, no acupuncture this week, Jenny is in Jamaica......maybe that's where she gets that sage stuff she burned during last weeks appointment?! Hum......

Well it's off to the basement to watch some football. Have a good week!!

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