If you have ever watched Jon and Kate plus 8 than you know about camera frustration. On the old shows, she got a new camera this year for Christmas, she would constantly complain that her camera took the worst pictures and she hated when the kids did cute stuff and she had to take a picture because she knew she would get all excited for great pictures and end up with hazy, blurry, junk.
Well that's exactly how I have been feeling lately, every picture I take that looks so great on the camera monitor looks horrible and blurry on the computer. I feel like I'm missing so many great pictures that it just makes me crazy. AAgghh..
Then today for no apparent reason every single picture I took of Katie playing was gorgeous, the color was right, she had her eyes open and there were only two arms in the picture, I usually get double the arms with the blurry ones. I am beyond stunned, especially when you factor in the teething, crankiness and the fact that she hasn't been sleeping well.
I have somehow inadvertently stumbled onto the secret to perfect pictures, get to the point of total frustration with your camera that you swear that it is going in the garbage and at the last minute pull it back from it's demise; presto.
The perfect pictures..... Enjoy....