Friday, March 21, 2008

Our trip to Annapolis

Katie and I went down to Annapolis on Monday to visit with Karen and Addison. The trip started off well enough, look at that picture above of her sleeping the whole way down. Once we got to Annapolis all bets were off and Katie turned back into a crazy toddler again! First Katie decided to throw her lunch, Macaroni and Cheese, at Karen's dog instead of eating it. I understand in hindsight that Mac and Cheese might not have been a great idea for lunch out, next time I promise to bring chicken nuggets or something less staining!

Katie's second act was constantly trying to steal Addison's pacifier and by constantly I mean that out of 20 pictures I took that day 15 have Katie's fingers on a binki! I really do think she believes that other babies are here for her enjoyment!

Somehow Addison made it through Katie's antics!

This final picture is of Katie running down Karen's street, it's a quiet street with no sidewalks so after she threw a tantrum about being in the stroller I let her run for it. Well again another bad call on my behalf because just around that bend in the picture was a raised manhole that Katie didn't see jump out in front of her and she fell and bit her lip and cheek. Now when I say that she bit her lip I mean she chomped on it, and did it ever bleed. I felt so badly for her because not only did it hurt but she just couldn't calm herself down and she was screaming for about 30 minutes straight. Her purple lip just went away today, four days later, so I know it was a doozy.

And just for good measure about 15 minutes after Karen cleaned both of us up and Katie calmed herself down she fell again; Karen was letting her dog out to go to the bathroom, I was still cleaning a bit of blood off of myself and Katie just followed Karen right out of the door, missed the step and landed flat on her face on the deck. This time I think she was just ticked off, not really hurt, but just mad that she couldn't get herself together.

I decided that it was time to go home and I think that I made the right decision because she was fast asleep in the car before we were even out of Annapolis. What a day........

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