Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bachelorette Party!!!

(Emily helped a Birthday cake become a Bachelorette Party cake, nice huh?)

Yesterday I was in Philly for my sister-in-law's bachelorette party, well most of it, I really just can't hang with the "kids" anymore!! There were six of us for lunch Gullifty's in Bryn Mawr, which was really nice and since it was St. Patty's day the place was filled with college kids doing a pub crawl. (I felt really old!) It was nice catching up with Christy's friends, seeing what they were up to and hearing all about life from a 26 year-olds perspective.

After lunch we headed back to Christy's apartment for a surprise lingere party, don't worry I didn't post any of "those" pictures. It was fun and funny and Christy's friend Emily who put the whole thing together did a really great job.

I took off from Christy's apartment at 7:30pm as they were starting to get ready for a night out, like I said I can't hang, I was exhaused at 7:30pm! I know more of her girlfriends were meeting up with them for the night out and Christy's friend Mandy, who couldn't make it, made sure that Christy had a "nice" outfit for the night out including St. Patty's feather boa's for the whole crew. I can't wait to hear how the rest of the night went, but at 11:15am she still wasn't answering her phone so I'm assuming it went really well!!

(A nice Bride tank from Victoria's Secret.)

( I guess we aren't going to talk about what this gift was, but I think it was from Emily!!)

(Part of the evening outfit that Mandy made, doesn't Christy look excited to wear it!)
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