Sunday, March 02, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Woo-hoo it's my birthday!!! The big 3-2. I love birthdays, I really don't know why, but every year I get really excited for mine. Getting older doesn't bother me, in fact I look forward to the next year, the challenges, ups and downs and changes in my everyday life. Do I feel older? Sure, I have been plucking a few more gray hairs and I have some wrinkles around my eyes that are getting more defined, but in the grand scheme of things, that ain't too bad!

31 was a pretty great year so I can't wait to see what 32 has to offer; a big lottery win would be nice, heck a small lottery win wouldn't be bad either?! Today we had a little party here with the family, cake, ice cream and cookies topped with some snacking, no sissy food for us. I got some great gifts too like a 4-slot toaster and a label maker, and yes I really, really wanted those two things. It's funny how not too long ago I couldn't wait for birthday money and new clothing and now I just want the ability to have warm toast with my daughter for breakfast. Cha-cha-cha-cha-changes...

Well I guess my blood sugar is crashing because I just got a case of the tireds, I guess that means it's time for some more cake!! Only one day a year can you justify eating cake as a meal and today is my lucky day!!! And just in case you were wondering that is a chocolate peanut butter cake, I think there is a special place in heaven for the person that came up with that combination.

Happy my birthday to you all!!!

Katie helping me blow out the candles.

Katie and Aunt Christy.

Me and my very favorite gift!!

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