Sunday, March 16, 2008

Easter at My Parents House

Next week my parents will be travelling down to North Carolina to spend Easter with my sister Sarah and her husband Tim so they decided to have us and my other sister Liz and her husband Doug over for an early Easter dinner today!

Mom made a bunny cake, she used to make them when we were little, and of course Katie's Easter basket was full and overflowing! The picture below is just some of the gifts the Easter bunny brought to my parents house, what you can't see is a bubble machine, a shovel and rake for her sand box and a dress; yes that's the dress she was carrying around by the tag in the last picture.

Mom also got Katie two starter seed kits, one a sunflower and the other a pumkin. Katie enjoyed shaking the seeds in the cup and everyone else enjoyed making fun of the fact that with my superior gardening skills the seeds were more alive now than they would ever be once planted on my watch. (I tend to kill plants faster than average!)

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