Wednesday, August 03, 2005

My Story

The beginning.....

Well here goes nothing! My name is Suzi, I am 29 and have been married for a little over 4 years. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for about 2 years now with absolutely no luck. We, or more precisely, I have been poked, prodded and tested. Basically if there is a test I have taken it!

Beginning in October of 2004 we sought out professional help in the form of a reproductive endocynologist, try spelling that without a dictionary. We ended up at Johns Hopkins Greenspring Station, near Baltimore. After bloodwork, a uterine biopsy and an HSG the diagnosis was considered "unknown" and I began taking 50 mg of Clomid.

The first month on Clomid I produced three follicles that did result in a chemical pregnancy, the sperm got there but the fertilized egg didn't stick. That was basically the highlight of the infertility treatment. My husband and I wrongly assumed that the chemical pregnancy was a fluke and that the next month would be "our month". The next two months I only produced one follicle and no such luck with sperm and egg being friends.

After 3 months of failed Clomid trials the doctors decided I should add an IUI to the repitior. Again I took the Clomid, produced one good egg, ovulated on my own and had the IUI. Same thing the following month. The third month doing the IUI I didn't ovulate on my own and was given a trigger shot, HCG, to make me ovulate. The IUI was done and surprise, surprise, no pregnancy.

Our doctors wanted us to continue with the same routine, but we were getting really tired of being disappointed and I felt that some changeup in the protocol was needed. So we made an appointment with a new doctor.

Well wouldn't you know that within the first 10 minutes of meeting with the new doctor it was discovered, or re-discovered, that my husbands sperm motility was less than 1%, normal is above 14%. What this means is that 1 out of 100 of my husbands sperm was shaped correctly. This was a huge blow to learn that after all of this time and energy we had placed in to getting pregnant the chances of us concieving on our own were extremely low. The worst part was knowing these results from a semen analysis were available before we began our fertility treatment.

So now we are awaiting our first round of IVF. I am currently on birth control pills and this friday I meet with the new doctor to get my schedule. I know the IVF will be the third week of september but as far as what drugs I'm taking and when, I still don't know.

That's the current situation. I'm hopeful that IVF will be our magic bullet.

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