Monday, September 26, 2005

Almost Healthy Again!

Back to the doctors office today, for the last time before the BIG test, thank goodness. Today I had to have my progesterone level checked, just what I needed another blood test. I'm not sure what the amount of progesterone in your body really means but I know that when going through IVF they want it to be pretty high, hence the shots of the stuff right in to your butt muscle. They told me that if they didn't call that meant that my levels were good and they didn't so no change to my protocol.

I also had to have my ovaries checked again. I went in on Friday because I was still having pain that didn't seem to want to go away and found out that not only had I developed ovarian hyper stimulation but also a urinary tract infection, how super fun! The antibiotics that she gave me on Friday seemed to work really fast so the urinary tract infection has cleared out, but the ovaries are still large and in charge. Normally your ovaries should be around 2cm, mine can't seem to shrink below 8cm. Plus they are covered in cysts and leaking what they call "free fluid", basically water, in to my abdominal cavity. The leaking part may sound gross, but it isn't too dangerous unless the fluid begins to leak in to your lungs, then you got some serious problems. Luckily for me I didn't leak out too much, although I did get to have an ultrasound done on my lungs which was cool and ticklish at the same time.

So that's it for now. I don't think I will be posting anything new until next Tuesday after my pregnancy test. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers and remember we aren't praying for triplets people, I know who you are and I have already asked God to override your prayers!

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