Sunday, September 18, 2005

I feel yucky, oh so yucky...

This morning I woke up early, 6:45am, went downstairs ate some breakfast and read the paper. I took my first doxycycline, an antibiotic so I don't get any infections with the procedure tomorrow, and within 25 minutes I was so cramped up I couldn't even lay down. I don't know whether to blame it on breakfast, frosted mini-wheats, or the antibiotic, but whatever got in to me is taking its sweet time to get out. It's now 3pm and I am still nauseous, cramped up, and basically feeling like crud. My cat and I have been laying on the bed watching the Eagles and now an old Perry Mason movie on CourtTV. I'm so jealous that she can just fall asleep, between the upset stomach and my being nervous about tomorrow I have a feeling that I won't see the inside of my eyes until they knock me out in the morning. I guess this is just of prelude of what will hopefully come in the next 9 months....Oh Boy!!

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