Monday, September 19, 2005

A Basket Full of Eggs

It's now 9:16am and I am home and feeling great! The egg retrieval went well and they were able to aspirate 15 eggs. Tomorrow morning they will call us and let us know how many of those eggs were fertilized. How exciting!

I can't believe how nervous I was this morning, I was pretty crazy. We had to be there at 7:30am where we signed some papers and went over the rules of the day, no operating heavy machinery, that kind of stuff. They then took me to a separate room where they hooked me up to an EKG, a finger pulse taker, and an IV in the hand; out of everything that hurt the worst. The anesthetist was so comforting, she basically held my hand and stroked my forehead while she put the knock out juice in me. And that was all I remember until waking up in the recovery room.

Nat was there and so was my LPN Michele, ready with water and a snack. I actually don't have anything to complain about other than the fact that I was a worry wart over nothing. I still feel a little groggy and after I eat my lemon poppy seed bread I am going to lay down and watch some toons. Yay!!

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers, they worked, I feel pretty good. I will update you all tomorrow to let you know how many eggs fertilized!!!

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