Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Not So Great

Well Dr. Filer just called with some not so great news, only 2 of my eggs made it out fertilized. I can't believe it, out of seven that were retrieved, only four were mature and only 2 fertilized; now we have to wait until Thursday and hope that they make it. I did speak to him about the possibility of thawing the some of the four embryos that we have still frozen, and he said that we could do that if needed and would discuss that tomorrow when he gives me my next update. (they weren't the best quality embryos, that's why we decided to try again)

Another wrench in the system that I wasn't expecting, but it seems as though that is the norm now. Nat seemed pretty upset, as did my doctor, I guess after having a successful first try with 10 fertilizing, 2 seems like failure. I'm going to stay hopeful though, two is better than none and we only need one for a baby so I'm still thinking happy thoughts. I will update more tomorrow when I hear from the doctor again and let you know what we have decided. Keep praying for Nat and I please!!!!

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