Thursday, January 17, 2008

Eating at the table...

Today I decided that I wanted Katie to join me at the table for lunch, no more highchair tray for her! We had chicken salad sandwiches and apple sauce and watched the snow falling outside of the sliding glass door. It was fun having her right there with me and she handled it pretty well, although she did to try and slide out of her chair when she was done, which was interesting with chicken salad all over her hands.

The other big news was that Katie had her first dentist appointment yesterday. We went to see Dr. Angie, who is a pediatric dentist, and it was not only a big learning experience but I really think Katie enjoyed it, they had a ton of toys, games and a play kitchen with a phone that Katie tried to steal! A pediatric dentist does a simple tooth check and cleaning, which Katie loved (I think it was vibration on her gums) and they give you suggestions and ideas on how to keep her new pearly whites clean. It was a short visit and we did find out that the chip on her front tooth wasn't really a chip but incomplete formation of enamel and that it will have no effect on her adult teeth. We were given a prescription for Flouride, York doesn't Flourinate their water, and told to come back in a year.

Ok well Katie and I are going to go and watch the snow fall, hopefully there will be enough to go outside and roll around in!!! Have a great day!!

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