Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Here we are.....

Injection day is upon us......
Tomorrow is the start of Lupron injections, 20 units into the fat around my belly button. I really hate Lupron, it isn't the "shot" that I hate, it's the hot flashes, mood swings and general blah attitude that comes with it. Lupron is designed to halt the production of estrogen and progesterone in my body, basically slam me in to a false menopause, and then they blast me with fertility drugs to hyper stimulate my ovaries into massive egg production. The whole process is no doubt wrecking my reproductive system, which wasn't so awesome in the first place or I wouldn't have this blog, and I'm sure I'll be the first of my friends to have a complete hysterectomy because of them. UGH!
So tomorrow........get ready for the fun stories and the ugly shot pictures. Fingers crossed, we are looking for un doubles or triples and maybe, if God has been watching, he might find it in his infinite wisdom to make the next one look just a little, tiney, tiny bit like me??? I mean come on, I go through all of this and Nat get's a female duplicate.........not fair!!!

Hopefully I have passed on the bigfoot gene, someone else should appreciate what looking for 10.5 size shoes is like?!

Ok fine, you can be a size 10.....geez........

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