Thursday, May 15, 2008

Katie's 18 Month Check-Up

(A Katie Burt original hairstyle, she likes to put headbands on all by herself now!!)

Katie is a full fledged big girl now!! Today at her 18 month check-up my notion that she had a growth spurt recently was confirmed; Kate weighed in 25 lbs. 2 oz., up 1 lb. 11 oz., and was 33 inches tall, up 3 inches. All that growth within the past 3 months, that's a lot of growing! As far as percentiles go she is now in the 85% for height and 60% for weight, which means basketball might be back on the table and top of the pyramid girl in cheer leading might be out!

Pediatricians nation wide just started doing 18 month autism screening, Amy told me all about it when she took Lauren in for her 18 month visit, so I had to answer a batch of questions about Katie's behavior. (does she point at things, does she look when you say her name, stuff like that) No red flags from Katie, she seems to be developing on track.

The one thing her doctor did point out was that Katie seems to have a very well developed vocabulary, which shocked me since Katie just kept saying, "no, no-no and nope" over and over to the doctor. (When she saw where we were going she looked at me, said nope, and turned around and started walking back towards the car!!) Katie did do a little show and tell by pointing out by name her feet, toes, knees, belly, eyes, mouth and teeth. (we couldn't get her to say nose or ears, but she pointed to them.) I guess at this age the doctor said it's normal for a child to say 5-10 words, besides Mommy and Daddy, and 25+ words are considered advanced. Katie is around 75 words, yes I'm a nerd and keeping a list, and can say a few short sentences like "I see it" and "want that ball" or "want that juice".

It's nice to hear that your child is doing well, especially when you are questioning her mental faculties after watching her fall off of the sofa for the third time in the past three minutes. Every day I think that she is turning into her Aunt Liz, smart and intelligent with little common sense. (sorry Liz, but you know it's true!!) Only time will tell!!

Have a great weekend!!!!

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