Thursday, July 31, 2008
Water Wings
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A day at the library.....
Sorry about the picture quality today, I think my camera might be on it's last leg (too many drops and tosses!!). Today my Mother and I took Katie to story time at the library and once again her "everything is mine" stage reared it's ugly head. The library that we go to has a little reading loft in the children's section that Katie likes to hang out in (see picture below) and today while she was chillin' out with her Grammy in the loft another child dared to come up to join in the fun.
The nerve.
Of course in typical Katie behavior, or what's now typical, she lost her mind and began crying so hard that she was blubbering. She stood up there for a good 30 seconds just crying, not telling anybody why she was upset or moving toward my Mother or I for comfort, just having it out. In the meantime the other little girl had taken the precaution of grabbing her "Memaw" for extra protection from the scary monster up in the loft. We somehow coaxed Katie down the stairs back to the main section of the library just in time for the story telling to begin and the crazy Katie subsided into warm and fuzzy Katie.
I fear what she will morph into next....................someone tell me this is normal!!!
This picture was obviously taken before the sob story.
Better times that followed, Katie was singing and clapping along with the story teller; she looks happy, right?!
Back at Grammy and Pop's house, she thought that it was great fun to sit in the top of a shoebox and get pushed around by Grammy. Wouldn't it be nice to fit your butt into a shoebox?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Having Fun
Yesterday afternoon we couldn't tell if it was warm enough to hit the pool or not, so Katie and I decided to head next door and see what Maddux and Sheri were doing. They have a nice backyard set-up so we were in luck, the baby pool was filled with golf balls and plastic softballs and there were toys everywhere. As a bonus Maddux had just figured out how to clap so he was clapping away, which in turn had Katie clapping, although she had no idea why anyone was clapping but just hopped on board with it. The only hitch in the play date was Katie's non-sharing approach to playing. UGH! It's getting really bad here, no one can touch her things, or their own things if Katie's interested, and if I suggest that she share something she throws a huge fit or says "bye-bye" and tries to leave the house of whoever we are visiting.
I guess it's all a phase but man is it horrible. I try to explain to her the whole sharing lesson, but I don't know if 1.) she's listening or 2.) she understands what "share" is. The thing that bothers me the most is that she is around Maddux all of the time, she knows his name "Maxux" and she points at his picture when we look at the old blog posts, so why does she melt down when he touches her stroller?! Does she really think he's going to steal it, break it and then laugh at her? I would love for someone to explain the toddler brain, why she can share her raisins with me, but not with anyone else and why she is so mistrusting of a little boy she obviously loves.
Parenting.......who knew it was so confusing?
Maddux giving Katie the "what-up" sign.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Katie, Grandpa Burt and the slide....
I took this short video of Katie and Grandpa Burt playing with some toy fish on the sliding board. The sound get's a little "crunchy" at about 20 seconds, but you can still see how much fun Katie was having throwing her fish at Grandpa!!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Playing with the family....
Katie and Aunt Christy playing in the water.
Katie being all proud of herself for going up and down the slide without help!
Nat and Jarrett, I didn't even use a flash and Nat still blinked!
That would be my daughter getting in the pool, with her clothing on!
We had to take the wet shorts and soggy, drooping diaper off..........she was draggin.
Checking out the telescope on top of her swing set, she thought it was a megaphone.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Short Trip
Katie and I on the Chocolate World ride.
Sheri and Maddux standing in line for the ride.
The actual number of chocolate bars and kisses that had been made as of 12:35pm... NICE!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Rainy Day.
Today it decided to rain and rain and rain some more and at last check it was only 71 degrees!!! Ugh, that's sweatsuit weather! I just took a few cute ones of Katie that I thought I would pass along, really I just wanted a picture of how cute she looked in this outfit with the little turtles! Ok enjoy.....
(She was running at me with her eyes closed and laughing, weird combo, but she looks sooooo happy!!)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Playin' at Grandma's House.
This afternoon Katie and I were at Grandma Burt's house for some play time and a little lunch. Grandma got out the bubbles and as you can see Katie put forth her best effort to try and make a bubble, but she doesn't have enough gusto to actually produce one. After the bubbles were no longer interesting Grandma got out the baby stroller and Katie pushed it up and down the driveway and then decided she needed some "yummy's". We went inside, had some cheese and applesauce and then Aunt Donna, Aunt Angie and Great-Grandma showed up to join in the eating. We all ate some lunch and talked and then Katie started acting tired and cranky so we left, she really does let you know when she's tired! Katie is now fast asleep and I am thinking about joining her in a little afternoon siesta, enjoy the pictures!
Grandma blowing bubbles.
Just looking cute in front of Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Pushing her animals around; yes Grandma and Grandpa have the little animals too. For some reason she will only push the little plastic animals in the stroller?? That's not too weird, right?!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Running in the Pool.
I thought I would take a quick video today at the pool just to show you all the level of confidence? that Katie has around water. The deep end of the pool is 2.5 feet, or 30 inches, and Katie is at best 34-35 inches tall; I tell you this because at no point does it seem to faze her that she's getting in to deep and can't swim!! Oh and at the end it abruptly cuts off because she jumped off of a step in the pool and like I just said, she CAN'T SWIM!!! She's going to be a fun teenager!
(Turn the volume down or off, you don't really need to hear anything and there is a water fountain in the baby pool and it sounds really loud in the video!!)
Action shots at the pool....
Katie hanging in the deep end up on the step.
One of those, Oh my gosh she's jumping, moments when I had to toss the camera and catch her!
Yep, she's playing peek-a-boo on a pool deck. (Thank goodness she peeks to see where she's going!)
This was one of those times she did jump as I was taking a picture; you have no idea how many generations of my family do that tounge thing when they are concentrating. It's nice to see I passed something along!!