Wednesday, July 02, 2008

In the pool, again....

The big news of the day is that our neighborhood pool is finally opening tomorrow!! No more swimming in the inflatable rinky-dink pool on the patio. (and no more me forgetting to turn the water off, notice how high the water is in the pool?) The reason that the pool wasn't open is because it was being built and just like everything being built these days it was finished about 2 months late. At this point everybody in the neighborhood is just happy that it's finally done, although tomorrow the complaining about the size of the pool will begin. I'm beginning to think that no one is ever satisfied with anything!

Katie crying because she couldn't pull her baseball toy out of the pool, for the second time.

Only slightly happier now that the baseball toy is out of the pool.

Still drinking that pool water....notice that my neighbors patio is finished! It looks so good!!

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