Saturday, July 19, 2008

Regular Saturday

Just another random Saturday morning when nothing is normal, calm or quiet! It's currently 9:45am, so this is just the beginning of the day and already Katie has gotten into EVERYTHING! Above is a picture of her after she decided that the best way to blow bubbles was to steal the bubble wand from her Father and stick it into her mouth. Yep, she was producing bubbles for about 20 minutes and do you think she cared?? Not at all!!

After running around the backyard in her PJ's we decided it best to strip her down since she was covered in dirt and dew. She found Nat's shoes and began running around the house with them,, who knows if there was a reason, we couldn't figure it out??!!

Finally here is a picture of Katie watching her morning cartoons. She was sitting on her bottom and dancing in place, I don't have a clue what she was doing with her hand, but if you ever watch the Disney Channel and have heard the "Camp Rock" theme song then you know why she was busting a mad groove. She loves her tunes!!

Ok well gotta keep up the chase, she and Nat are throwing balls at each other now. Only one more hour until the pool opens up, whew!!!

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