Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Playin' at Grandma's House.

This afternoon Katie and I were at Grandma Burt's house for some play time and a little lunch. Grandma got out the bubbles and as you can see Katie put forth her best effort to try and make a bubble, but she doesn't have enough gusto to actually produce one. After the bubbles were no longer interesting Grandma got out the baby stroller and Katie pushed it up and down the driveway and then decided she needed some "yummy's". We went inside, had some cheese and applesauce and then Aunt Donna, Aunt Angie and Great-Grandma showed up to join in the eating. We all ate some lunch and talked and then Katie started acting tired and cranky so we left, she really does let you know when she's tired! Katie is now fast asleep and I am thinking about joining her in a little afternoon siesta, enjoy the pictures!

Grandma blowing bubbles.

Just looking cute in front of Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Pushing her animals around; yes Grandma and Grandpa have the little animals too. For some reason she will only push the little plastic animals in the stroller?? That's not too weird, right?!

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