Monday, September 01, 2008

Another Long and Fun Day....

Today we had an unexpected fun day thanks to Nat's Aunt Fran and Uncle Doug. We got up this morning with little to no plans, Nat was going to play 9 holes and I wanted to get paint for the bedroom. We ran over to my parents early on in the morning and Mom played with Katie while we ran to get the paint, which let me tell you is a huge help considering Sherwin-Williams has the doors that open and close when you step on the mat.....Katie LOVED that game the last time we went! We came home and played a bit, put Katie down for a nap and then got a call from Nat's parents that they were heading up to Mary's sister Fran's house for an afternoon swim. Well, of course you know I had to take my little fish and besides having a pool they also have a trampoline, which you will see below Katie was very fond of!! We had a great afternoon, Katie loves her cousins and had fun swimming with Grandma and Grandpa.... Hope everyone had a wonderful 3-day weekend!!!
Katie catching some air with her cousin Natalie.
Static hair, again.
Natalie catching Katie as she tried to run away, it was a game they invented.
Giving me a good cheese. Katie would come over to where I was taking pictures through the opening in the tent and say, "Mommy bye-bye" and try to zip it up. I guess she really didn't want me to disturb her fun!

I had to grab the camera for one last picture today of Katie eating corn on the cob by herself, she really likes doing things all by herself now!

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