Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Day 2: Down to the Ocean

Today we went to Cape Henlopen State Park to play in the Atlantic Ocean, we are actually on the Delaware Bay?! The only difference between the two are the waves and to Katie, waves do make a difference! Once again she was clapping and dancing (above) when she saw the water. The water was a bit choppy today so I made Nat hold on to Katie the whole time we were there, luckily she doesn't mind holding hands with Daddy.
Katie getting in up to her knees with Daddy.
Jumping the waves!
Holding on, as you can see she's soaked, that's because she and Nat got clobbered by a wave.
This dumb seagull was stalking Katie's goldfish crackers, he was about 3 feet away from her for over 10 minutes!

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